The Caribbean Centre for Organisation Development Excellence Ltd (CARI-CODE) in
collaboration with the Caribbean Organisation Development Network (CODN) recently staged the 4th Organisation Development (OD) Transformation Conference in
Jamaica under the theme: Beyond Tomorrow: OD as Leverage in the Era of AI and
Society 5.0.
This 2-day high-impact event featured renowed OD Thought Leaders and Business Experts from Europe, North America, The Caribean, and Jamaica. Featureing an array of Topics that explored how AI is reshaping Industry and Society 5.0 in the context of Organisation Development and the utilsation of tools to transform and recalibrate in maintaining sustainability.
Society 5.0 is the concept of a human centred society that balances economic advancement
with the resolution of social problems by a system that highly integrates cyberspace and
physical space. In cyberspace big data would be analysed by artificial intelligence (AI) and the
analysis fed back to humans in physical space in a variety of forms. This brings new value to
industry and society in ways not hitherto possible.
As global progress is achieved, and prosperity increases, new demands are placed on industrial
production and logistics. There will also be the social problem of the concentration and
distribution of wealth. This will be accompanied by environmental problems as well. Japan proposes to incorporate these new technologies in all industries and social activities to achieve economic
development and solutions to social problems in parallel. New value will be created through
Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines especially computer systems and computer robots. Usually, artificial intelligence systems ingest large amounts of labeled training data, analysing the data for correlations and patterns and using these patterns to predict future states. There is however a need for more ethical guidelines for the safe, secure and efficient use of the technology
Some systems used in AI are, Machine Learning, Neural Networks-which mimics processes used by the human brain- Facial recognition and Classification systems,
Deep Learning involving ingesting and processing huge amounts of data, Natural Language Processing, Speech recognition and Machine Vision among others. AI has been around ince the 1950s and has come into greater focus since Open AI developed CHAT GPT3 recently and is predicted to greatly influence human activities, the world of work and the way business is done.